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session 3 10/10/18

10/10/2018 02:59:37 PM


Mrs. Deckert and Mrs. Shapiro

      The 7th graders continued exploring their b’nai mitzvah journey with the Moving Traditions program. This week’s unit was ‘Center of Attention.’  We explored the diverse ways teens feel about and react to being the center of attention and  thought of different ways to cope with the responsibility and anxiety that comes with standing up before a crowd.

     After a special pizza dinner al fresco (thank you beautiful weather!) everyone attended the Mitzvah Fair and got a better understanding of the requirements and parameters for their mitzvah projects. We look forward to hearing about the many ways Kitah zayin will work towards tikkun olam!


Betsy and Stacy

Thu, May 2 2024 24 Nisan 5784