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Rosh Hodesh session 1 1/16/19

01/16/2019 10:35:22 AM


Mrs. Kropf

Dear parents of the Rosh Hodesh women:

Today's meeting was a nice introductory one, even though we were missing two of our young women. The main topics were Intro to Rosh Hodesh and Identity. During our session, we

  • talked about the history of Rosh Hodesh and about Rosh Hodesh groups being a safe space for everyone
  • learned/reviewed the Prayer for the New Month and sang it together
  • began putting together a list of group rules
  • began decorating our Rosh Hodesh cloth to beautify our space, while listening to music. We will continue to do this during our future sessions. I also plan to teach some songs.
  • explored different aspects of our identity, and what parts of ourselves we share in some contexts and other parts in other contexts, and
  • decorated glass candle bases and passed a gratitude flame from candle to candle.

We will be meeting weekly for during Jan and Feb, except for Feb 20. Each week we will have a different topic, and I will prepare activities to do regarding that topic. Next week, our main topic is Confidence.

For the participants: Although all the Rosh Hodesh topics are important for teen girls to discuss, please feel free to bring or suggest (in advance, if possible!) other topics that we can explore.

Thanks for your participation,


Sun, May 19 2024 11 Iyar 5784