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session 9 12/5/19

12/05/2018 08:45:36 AM


Mrs. Kropf

Dear parents of the Path to Conf class:


Happy Hanukkah to all! Wednesday night we discussed identity, Jewish identity, and American Jewish identity, and how American Jews might preserve their Jewish identity while living in an overwhelmingly non-Jewish majority country.


Something that you may want to discuss with your teen is how might different generations of Jewish immigrants (1st gen? 3rd gen?) might feel about this relationship of preserving their own identity while integrating with the greater society. Last night we used the metaphor of plastic wrap for synthesis, cheesecloth for integration, and aluminum foil for differentiation, but feel free to use a different material if you like.


We also watched The Tribe--Barbie and discussed what it means to be a member of any tribe in the 21st century. Then we watched The Hebrew Mamita and discussed what it might mean to “look Jewish” and “act Jewish” but how different our experience would be in a different skin color. We talked about being Jewish as a positive thing that is special, not something others may perceive as a negative, as described by Vanessa Hidary in her Hebrew Mamita performance. Later, we went downstairs to the music room to play Gaga, something that the students have been requesting for a long time. A few of us participated in the drumming session in the Oneg Room. We joined the rest of the CJL in the Oneg Room for latkes and chicken nuggets. Then we all gathered in the sanctuary for candle lighting and Hanukkah songs.


Here’s wishing you a very bright Hanukkah with your family,


Morah Judy


Sun, May 19 2024 11 Iyar 5784